Community Foundation Names New Board Members

Ventura County Community Foundation has added five new members to the board of directors.

The new board members are: Mike Powers, CEO for Ventura County; Sean Leonard, president and CEO of S.L. Leonard & Associates; Jim McGee, COO of Dyve Biosciences; Geoff Dean, retired sheriff of Ventura County, and Veronica Quintana, senior manager at CBIZ and Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C.

“The community has faced trying times these past two years between natural disasters and tragic human events,” said VCCF board chair Scott Hansen. “Through these challenges, VCCF has served as a conduit for harnessing the generosity of our community members while supporting those is need in the immediate aftermath and for the long recovery process. With the addition of these outstanding individuals to our board of directors, we can look forward and help build a more resilient, more dynamic, and more vibrant Ventura County.”

The foundation handled a great deal of the fundraising for the Borderline/wildfires tragedies.

Established in 1987, the Ventura County Community Foundation builds philanthropy in the region by stewarding legacies through careful management of charitable capital.

The foundation honors donor intent by protecting endowments. The nonprofit specializes in connecting philanthropic resources with community needs for the benefit of all.

The organization also serves the community through scholarships, grant making and collaborative partnerships.