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Transform Ventura County
- Bliv involveret i VCCF

Omfavn din passion, styrk dit formål, og transformer Ventura County

At the heart of Ventura County, every action you take ignites a ripple of positive change. Here at the Ventura County Community Foundation, we invite you to channel your passion into purposeful action that enriches our community. Discover how you can make a profound impact.

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Donate to
Community Needs

Quickly contribute to our community’s most pressing needs or support a specific fund.


Læs mere om VCCF's initiativer, og find ud af, hvordan du kan gøre en forskel.

Start din egen fond

Create a meaningful difference in the areas you are most passionate about. By starting a fund, you focus your support on the causes that matter most to you, ensuring a lasting impact.

Begivenheder i samfundet

Connect with local nonprofits, fellow donors, and community ambassadors through our in-person and virtual events. Gain insights into the transformative changes happening right here in Ventura County and how you can be a part of this movement.

Ved at give gennem VCCF modtager du:

Community Expertise

With a history of local involvement and an extensive network of over 800 community foundations globally, VCCF is a pillar of community leadership. Your contributions join a coordinated, knowledgeable effort to meet the evolving needs of Ventura County, fostering impactful changes and brighter futures.

Bred rækkevidde og forskelligartet finansiering

Ved at samle ressourcerne støtter dine gaver et væld af initiativer på tværs af forskellige sektorer, hvilket forstærker rækkevidden og effekten af hver dollar, der bruges på at skabe et modstandsdygtigt samfund.

Professionel vejledning
og støtte

Our team offers expert advice and concierge service, helping you align your philanthropic efforts with your personal values and goals, ensuring that your giving is as impactful as possible.

Betydelige skattefordele

Contributing through VCCF not only furthers your altruistic goals but also may offer substantial tax benefits, maximizing the efficacy of your contributions.