VCCF besøger Humane Society of Ventura County

by Lauren Graf

On a rainy Friday afternoon, the Ventura County Community Foundation joined VCCF donor client Christine Dale on a site visit to the Humane Society of Ventura County’s Ojai facility. The group met with HSVC’s Executive Director Eric Knight, Development Director Amber Landis, and Community Outreach Coordinator Steve McCurry who provided a tour of the shelter’s facilities to learn more about their mission and services.

Since 1932, the humane society has protected and cared for animals in Ventura County facing abuse and neglect, providing safe temporary housing, treatment, nutrition, rehabilitation, and more. The HSVC is the only agency in the county with Humane Officers investigating cases of animal abuse, cruelty, and neglect. Despite their name, the Humane Society of Ventura County receives no county government funding and is not affiliated with the Humane Society of the United States. They are a private nonprofit funded entirely by donations and gifts.

Other services made possible through donations include a low-cost spay-neuter program, local youth education programs, free pet food at local food banks and via DoorDash, a volunteer pet-assisted therapy program, a pet foster program, and a feral cat trap-neuter-release program, amongst many others. HSVC also houses up to 200 horses at their on-site stables during disasters and has helped owners as far north as San Luis Obispo all the way down to Malibu to transport their pets at no cost if the owners lack the resources to evacuate the horses themselves.

Visit their website to learn more, adopt a pet, or support their work.