Ventura County Rapid Response Fund
Kære Ventura County Community Foundation-familie,
The Ventura County Community Foundation, in coordination with the County of Ventura, Amgen Foundation, Southeast Ventura County YMCA, Give An Hour, and the Economic Development Collaborative, has launched the Ventura County Fond for hurtig reaktion to support nonprofit organizations addressing the needs of individuals and families with food and housing support, childcare, wage replacement, mental health care, and more.
The purpose of the Ventura County Rapid Response Fund is to support those organizations providing basic human needs to individuals, families, and small business in Ventura County.
VCCF is proud to partner with direct service providers, including:
- Sydøstlige Ventura County YMCA where individuals and families throughout Ventura County can apply for direct financial assistance.
- Giv en time er tilgængelig for at hjælpe med at støtte mental sundhed og følelsesmæssige velværebehov i vores samfund, når det reagerer på COVID-19-pandemien.
- Den Samarbejde om økonomisk udvikling and its Small Business Development Center vil forblive åben under hele krisen og yde direkte erhvervsrådgivning for at hjælpe virksomheder med at navigere gennem den økonomiske afmatning og forbinde virksomheder med hele spektret af tilgængelige ressourcer, herunder billig kapital.
Organizations providing basic human needs to individuals, families and small business owners throughout Ventura County are invited to apply for funding to support their unrestricted operating expenses ensuring that these nonprofits may continue to fulfill their missions and serve Ventura County. Funding will also be available to these organization to provide cash assistance to those they serve, which can allow for families to stay in their homes or address other essential needs.
VCCF will not take any administrative fees from this fund, 100% of donations will be awarded based on the criteria of the fund.
Den bedste,
Vanessa Bechtel
President & CEO
Tilskud fra Rapid Response Fund vil støtte organisationer, der reagerer på COVID-19-pandemien. Gennem disse organisationers indsats vil indbyggerne i Ventura County få mad, forsyninger, børnepasning, støttetjenester, husly, boligstøtte, mental sundhedspleje og direkte støtte.
- Drenge- og pigeklubben i Greater Conejo Valley – $25,000
- Boys & Girls Club of Greater Oxnard & Port Hueneme – $10,000
- Drenge- og pigeklubben i Moorpark og Simi Valley – $10,000
- PLEJERSKER – $18,750
- Casa Pacifica – $30,000
- Katolsk velgørenhed – $25,000
- Samarbejde om økonomisk udvikling – $50,000
- FOOD-andel – $100,000
- Amerikas fremtidige ledere – $27,002
- Giv en time – $25,000
- Habitat for Humanity – $3,800
- Havnens hus – $5,000
- Lockwood Animal Rescue Center – $5,000
- Lutheran Social Services i det sydlige Californien – $10,000
- Mercy House Living Centers – $25,000
- Mixteco/Indigena Community Organizing Project – $40,000
- Nylands løfte – $5,000
- Sikker passage for unge – $11,775
- Sikker begyndelse – $10,000
- Bekymringer for ældre – $25,000
- The Kingdom Center (Gabriels hus) – $2,500
- Turning Point Foundation – $15,000
- Ventura County Family Justice Center Foundation – $25,000
- Villa Esperanza – $10,000
- Westminster gratis klinik – $75,00
- Kvinder med substans Mænd med ære – $5,000
- Kvinders økonomiske satsninger – $75,000
The following $1,883,804 dollars in grants have been awarded as of May 15, 2020 to support the incredibly urgent needs brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis in Ventura County. Many of these grants are made possible through the Ventura County Rapid Response Fund. Others are directly from VCCF donor-clients to help address gaps in our social safety net during this time. The funding for Future Leaders of America is to directly support the 805 UndocuFund COVID-19 and the thousands of undocumented and mixed-status families struggling at this time.
- Adelante Comunidad Conejo — $5,000
- Cabrillo Economic Development Corporation — $5,000
- California Lutheran University —$5,300
- Channel Islands YMCA: Ventura Family Branch — $10,000
- Conejo Valley Senior Concerns — $28,000
- Economic Development Collaborative of Ventura County — $95,000
- FOOD Share — $210,000
- Future Leaders of America —$265,000
- Giv en time — $25,000
- Gold Coast Veterans Foundation — $21,000.
- Help of Ojai — $15,000
- Humane Society of the United States — $5,000
- Interface Children and Family Services — $25,000
- Manna Conejo Valley Food Distribution Center — $11,000
- Mixteco/Indigena Community Organizing Project (MICOP) — $40,000
- Nylands løfte — $5,000
- Project Understanding — $28,000
- Alliance for redningsmissioner — $5,000
- Safe Passage Youth Foundation — $10,050
- Santa Barbara Foundation — $37,500
- Spirit of Santa Paula — $28,000
- Women’s Economic Venutres — $125,000
- Southeast Ventura County YMCA — $145,000
- Personal Protective Equipment for Hospitals — $734,954
Updated as of August 21, 2020
- Cabrillo Economic Development Corporation - $20.000 - Til økonomisk støtte til enkeltpersoner og familier; skoleartikler og snacks til børn; rengørings- og sanitetsprodukter.
- Conejo Community Outreach - $5,000 - For at skaffe bleer til de familier, de støtter.
- Conejo gratis klinik - $10,000 - Til at levere medicinske tests, screeninger, tandlægeartikler og personlige værnemidler.
- Community Solutions, Inc. – $2,000 – To provide PPE, food, prepaid phone cards and program materials.
- FOOD-andel - $19.000- Til at levere mad og distributionsudstyr.
- Amerikas fremtidige ledere - $15,000 - Til dækning af personaleudgifter i forbindelse med tilsynet med 805 UndocuFund.
- Gold Coast Veterans Foundation - $15,008 - Til dækning af personaleudgifter i forbindelse med opsøgende arbejde over for veteraner i Ventura County.
- Habitat for Humanity - $8,750 - Til dækning af afdrag på realkreditlån for Habitat-husejere.
- Havnens hus - $10,000 - For at give mad og huslejehjælp til deres klienter og dække udgifter til motel for at huse familier.
- Mercy House Living Centers - $5,000 - Til dækning af udgifter i forbindelse med personale, forsyninger og transport af klienter til den hjemløse befolkning, de betjener.
- Projektforståelse af San Buenaventura - $15,000 - Til at dække udgifter til personale og give mad og hjælp til husleje og elregninger til deres klienter.
- Bekymringer for ældre – $10,000 – To cover expenses for staffing and provide food, delivery of food and pharmacy orders, and telephonic and online support for the seniors they serve.
- Ventura County Redningsmission - $5,000- For at skaffe mad til den befolkning, de betjener.
Updated as of November 30, 2020
- Conejo gratis klinik – $2,000
- Conejo Valley Senior Concerns – $10,000
- FoodShare – $10,000
- Sikker passage for unge – $10,000