Treffen Sie Mike Silacci, den Philanthropie-Beauftragten von VCCF

We’d like to welcome one of our newest VCCF team members, Mike Silacci. Mike recently joined the Ventura County Community Foundation team as its Chief Philanthropy Officer, responsible for growing relationships and creating more pathways into our community foundation to continue to grow philanthropy in our region.

Mike nutzt seine langjährige Erfahrung mit der VCCF, denn er hatte das Privileg, 14 Jahre lang dem Vorstand anzugehören, davon die Hälfte als Schatzmeister und Vorsitzender der Ausschüsse für Finanzen/Verwaltung und Investitionen.

Prior to joining the VCCF team, Mike completed a 40-year career with AT&T, where he served in various management assignments in Corporate Accounting, Information Systems, Finance, Regulatory Compliance, and External/Government & Community Affairs (EA). He spent the final 25 years of his career representing AT&T to local, state, and federal government officials and community leaders and community/civic organizations across the greater Los Angeles region, covering Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Kern counties, including nearly 10 years leading the AT&T greater LA EA team as its Regional Vice President.

Over the past several years, Mike has been active on over two dozen community non-profit boards, mainly in Ventura and Los Angeles counties, including having the privilege to serve as board chair for the Economic Development Collaborative, Ventura County Economic Development, El Concilio del Condado de Ventura, Ventura County Civic Alliance (Inaugural Chair), United Way of Ventura County, CSU Channel Islands Alumni & Friends Association, Ventura Chamber of Commerce, Ventura County Library Foundation, and Economic Vitality Corporation of San Luis Obispo County.

Mike stammt aus San Luis Obispo und schloss sein Studium an der California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo 1981 mit einem B.S. in Betriebswirtschaft/Finanzwesen ab. Er und seine Familie leben seit über 25 Jahren in Newbury Park.