Inauguración del Mural del Proyecto Isabella - Vídeo y galería de fotos

On March 18, the Isabella Project and Santa Paula community gathered at Glen City Elementary School for two mural unveils, with art celebrating the importance of highest-quality early childhood education in our community. We are so grateful to everyone who joined us for such a special occasion. You helped make this a day to remember, from your enthusiasm during the speakers and reveals, to your joy as we cheered on our dancing children, to your involvement and dedication during the afternoon meeting. We truly could not have done this without each and every one of you.

For those who weren’t able to join us, or if you’d like to relive the magic of the day, we invite you to view our highlight reel video above and photo gallery below. We would also like to thank all our special guests from this event: Poet Laureate Luzmaria Espinosa, Principal Julie Bergman, Glen City Elementary’s students, Dr. César Morales, Jack Hinojosa, Mayor Pedro Chavez, Atticus Reyes, our artist Checko, Jade Barth, our dancer Abril Estrada, Maria Jimenez, Eileen Monahan, and Javier Gomez. We are grateful for your support of the Isabella Project and the hopes and dreams the community has for the future of Santa Paula.