
We would like to welcome our newest VCCF staff members, Emily Marostica and Aaron Weissman!

Emily Marostica, Scholarship Coordinator

Emily Marostica is the Scholarship Coordinator at the Ventura County Community Foundation. Born and raised in the City of Ventura, Emily is passionate about serving and growing the community that she resides in.

Emily shares a love for nonprofit organizations. She has spent her life volunteering and working for nonprofits in various capacities. Before coming to VCCF in January 2023, she started her career at the YMCA in 2016 working in Childcare and Youth Sports, then moved to Interface Children & Family Services in 2020 working with the 211 department as a Resource Specialist, and later serving as the 211Ride Transportation Coordinator. She has volunteered for organizations including Give an Hour, Gold Coast R.A.D., the Channel Islands YMCA and more.

She received an associate degree in administration of justice from Ventura College, and later moved on to attend Arizona State University, completing her bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, spending time with loved ones, and listening to live music. Emily is excited to be working for VCCF to continue her lifelong goal of supporting Ventura County, and helping others achieve great things.

Aaron Weissman, Database Manager

アーロン・ワイズマンはベンチュラ郡コミュニティ財団のデータベース・マネージャーである。アーロンはウッドランド・ヒルズ生まれだが、幼児の頃からベンチュラに住んでいるため、地元だと思っている。アーロンは2019年にカリフォルニア州立大学チャンネル諸島校で心理学の学士号を取得。CSUCI在学中はPSI CHIのイベントコーディネートを手伝い、1年間会計を務めた。彼は以前、インターンシップ・プログラムを通じてカブリヨ経済開発公社で働いた経験や、ベンチュラ青少年矯正施設で大学進学準備を教えた経験もある。

