Thomas, Hill & Woolsey Wildfire Recovery Funds
Any contributions are still appreciated as Ventura County citizens continue their recovery process. Click below to donate to the Thomas Fire or the Hill and Woolsey Mid- to Long-Term Recovery Fund.
About fund
Five years have passed since the Thomas Fire changed the face of Ventura County, and four years since the Hill and Woolsey Fires blazed across Ventura and Los Angeles counties. We have learned firsthand how disaster recovery continues long after the initial intense focus on meeting the most acute needs for emergency housing, medical support, and much more. Long-term recovery funding enables fire victims to receive targeted, personalized support for their particular needs.
In this mid- and long-term phase of recovery, we have hundreds of residents who are working through rebuilding, rehoming, and managing debts that accumulated due to fire-related unemployment and/or recovery expenses. It is also the nature of certain post-traumatic mental and health issues that they arise only after a period of time, and we continue to see fire victims who have been struggling on their own and are now stepping forward for the first time to ask for support. Many other individuals have illnesses and injuries that were caused or exacerbated by the wildfires, which have now transitioned into chronic issues and must be addressed differently.
Thousands of people have received assistance with health care, post-traumatic counseling, housing, wage replacement, child care, debt relief, food security, the replacement of essential household items, and the replacement of equipment and transportation for those who are self-employed.
One-hundred percent of these contributions are going to support our community nonprofit organizations who are serving individuals are still recovering from these disasters. VCCF is not taking any administrative fees on these donations allowing the community to give to one trusted fund and to reduce duplication of efforts.
Thomas, Hill And Woolsey Wildfire Recovery Funds
- November 2, 2019 | 山火事の最新情報とリソース
- November 18, 2018 | ユナイテッド航空、カリフォルニア州山火事に対する支援金、ボーナスマイル、救援者支援を提供
- November 16, 2018| VCCFウェビナー「山火事と国境地帯の悲劇に対する資金支出に関する最新情報
- November 14, 2018 | ヒル&ウールジー火災緊急支援基金に申請する
- November 14, 2018 | ユナイテッド航空、カリフォルニア州山火事に対する支援金、ボーナスマイル、救援者支援を提供
- November 12, 2018 | ウェルズ・ファーゴ、カリフォルニア山火事の被災地支援に$250,000ドルを寄付
- November 9, 2018 | VCCF、ヒル火災とウールジー火災に対応
- January 4, 2018 | 赤十字最新情報:トーマス火災
- December 29, 2017 | VCCF災害援助の最新情報:100万ドル以上の助成金を授与
- December 19, 2017 | VCCF Disaster Relief Update & Grant Awards to Local Nonprofits
- December 18, 2017 | お困りですか?助けをお探しですか?ThomasFireHelp.comをご覧ください。
- December 15, 2017 | VCCF、災害支援ニーズに対応
- December 14, 2017 | 姉妹都市が火災救援基金に寄付
- December 12, 2017 | VCCF災害援助最新情報-利用可能な資金
- December 11, 2017 | ニュートリショプ・オックスナード、火災救済のために$4Kを集める
- December 8, 2017 | VCCF災害援助最新情報