Interview du Dr. Aguirre à la radio du Festival des enfants

On October 18, radio host Sammy Franco from Lazer Media interviewed Dr. Gabino Aguirre, Dr. Gabino Aguirre, Isabella Project Co-Chair, to promote the Todos Juntos Por Los Niños Children’s Festival. The interview aired on local stations La Mejor, Radio Lazer, and La Mexicana.

Dr. Aguirre shared about the Isabella Project and the importance of highest-quality early childhood education as well as details on the children’s festival.(Note: the following is an auto-generated English translation)
Dr. Aguirre: We recognize that education in a person’s life is very impactful and it begins with parents being the first teachers. A child is born ready to learn. As soon as you arrive in this world, the brain begins to develop, then 90% of the brain develops by age 5. The Isabella Project recognizes that we must help children educationally and emotionally from the moment they are born until they reach Kindergarten.

Sammy: This Saturday, October 19, there is going to be a special event focused on children and families. Tell us a little about this festival and about the organizations that will be at the event.

Dr. Aguirre: Because a child’s learning is based on play and experience in a discovery of the environment, the children’s festival name means “all of us together, for the children.” It is going to be this Saturday at Glen City Elementary School. It starts at 11 and ends at 3:00, and we will have activities for the children and information for parents, giving them the opportunity to obtain information about early childhood education as well as wrap-around services.