Bourses d'études pour les étudiants locaux

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Our Mission:

To protect federal funding and Congressional representation in Ventura County by encouraging all to participate in the 2020 Census.

Our Specific Goals Include:

  • Working in concert with diverse stakeholders and government agencies from various sectors to ensure a full, fair, and accurate count Countywide.
  • Avoiding duplication of outreach efforts and maximize limited resources.
  • Developing a Countywide education and outreach plan for hard-to-count (HTC) communities.
  • Collaboratively building a budget needed for this outreach and working in tandem with neighboring Counties’ efforts.
  • Strengthening local nonprofit organizations internal capacity and external influence through grantmaking and collaborations.
  • Creating a regional and local funder table to ensure funders are organized and strategically aligned so we can strategically maximize funding for our County.
  • Building a robust and meaningful network with diverse leaders from all corners of our community