La communauté du comté de Ventura réagit à la fusillade de Thousand Oaks

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Wednesday night, Nov. 7, an unspeakable tragedy occurred with the shooting deaths of 12 of our community members including a Ventura County Sheriff‘s sergeant.

While the horror washes over all of us, many from around the region and around the country are leaping into action to support the victims, families, law enforcement community and organizations providing first- and second-line support.

Ventura County Community Foundation (VCCF), in coordination with city of Thousand Oaks, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Amgen Foundation, California Community Foundation and others, has set up a specific fund to serve this purpose.

“We are at a loss for words but not actions,” said Scott Hansen VCCF Board chair. “Ventura County Community Foundation stands with the families and law enforcement community.

“We have set up a victim’s relief and recovery fund this morning and are helping organize the wave of incoming support from individuals, companies and organizations. We share our deepest condolences for the families who have lost loved ones.”

“As our city moves through this tragedy, our hearts are with all of those impacted in this community and beyond,” said Drew Powers, Thousand Oaks city manager. “We are overwhelmed with the outpouring of support, and will be here with all of you as we move through the healing process together.

Pat Modugno from Conrad N. Hilton Foundation said, “We are deeply saddened by these senseless events that are occurring at our places of worship, where we educate our children, recreation, and where people are enjoying life. Today we mourn and our hearts are with our neighbors at this time.”

“The Amgen family woke up today both horrified by last night’s tragedy and determined to do our part to support our community in this time of need,” said Cynthia M. Patton, senior vice president/chief compliance officer at Amgen, and chairperson of the Amgen Foundation Board.

“Amgen will work closely with the Ventura County Community Foundation and the city of Thousand Oaks to ensure that those touched by this event are supported in every way possible,” she said.

Antonia Hernández of the California Community Foundation said, “Community foundations stand together, so we are all bound by our responsibility to serve in times of crisis. Our hearts are broken but our resolve is strong to offer our support to the short and long term needs of the community.”

To make donations, visit or call Bonnie Gilles 805-330-6681. Ventura County Community Foundation will post more information on the VCCF Facebook page.