$3.6 million sent to families, survivors in Borderline shooting

This story was originally published on VCStar, and can be found here. 

About $3.6 million in contributions has been sent to families of the 12 people killed in the Borderline shooting and those who escaped the scene, an official at the Ventura County Community Foundation said this week.

CEO Vanessa Bechtel said the funds came from all 50 states as well as Korea, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand and the central Asian country of Kazakhstan. More than 25,000 people contributed and more than 200 fundraisers were held, she said.

Seventy percent of the funds went to the families of individuals who were killed at the Nov. 7 mass shooting at the Borderline Bar & Grill, she said. She said 20 percent went to people who escaped but were physically injured, and the remaining 10 percent went to people who were inside the establishment but were not physically injured, Bechtel said.

The checks, which represent all the money collected except for reserves, were sent to 205 people in all, she said, and the last payments were expected to arrive by the end of the day Friday.

The foundation set up the fund in coordination with the city of Thousand Oaks, the California Community Foundation, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, the Amgen Foundation, Edison International, the Bank of America Charitable Foundation, the Sherwood Cares foundation and others.

The local community foundation collected, administered and distributed the funds, Bechtel said. The agency did not charge any administrative fees, allowing all the money to go to the victims, she said.

The payments from what was called the Conejo Valley Victims Fund were not based on financial need but on the severity of the injury or loss, she said.

“If you were present at the bar or you had a loved one killed, you qualify,” she said.

She said fundraisers are planned for dates six months and one year after the shootings.

“We will continue to cut checks as the funds continue to come in,” she said.

Individuals may still contribute at the foundation’s website, www.vccf.org.