Apply for Funding – Hill and Woolsey Fire Sudden and Urgent Needs Effort Fund
Organizations Invited to Submit Applications
Camarillo, CA – The morning following the devastating fires VCCF launched the Hill Fire and Woolsey Fire Sudden and Urgent Needs Effort Fund. 100% of these contributions are going to nonprofit organizations addressing the needs of individuals, animal welfare, and other urgent needs resulting from the fires. This fund allows the community to give to one trusted Fund and not duplicate efforts. Ventura County Community Foundation (VCCF) is now inviting organizations to submit applications for funding in response to the Hill/Woolsey and related wildfires.
Funding Application for Hill Fire and Woolsey Fire Sudden and Urgent Needs Effort:
VCCF has already awarded the following grants:
Pacific Coast and Ventura County Chapter of the American Red Cross
- $150,000 for a next generation Emergency Response Vehicle (ERV) needed after being destroyed in the Thomas Fire and Mudslides
- $115,000 in support of Ventura County recovery coordination
- $146,250 designated to unrestricted support to be put to best use at this time
805Help – Connecting Help with Need
- $5,000 to org for assist with operations as in response to the two fires and bring online access and internet connectivity, among, other critical needs
A multitude of additional urgent needs have emerged as a result of the fires. “VCCF stands ready to support our nonprofit partners who are assisting those impacted by the Woolsey and Hill fires. Applications for expedited funding related to the fires can be found on our website at” said Phylene Wiggins, Vice President of Programs and Grants. Individuals and families seeking financial and other support are strongly encouraged to contact 2-1-1 directly.
VCCF welcomes financial contributions from individuals, organizations, companies and institutions to support Hill and Woolsey Fire recovery and relief efforts. Donations can be made at VCCF.ORG
For more information, please contact Phylene Wiggins at (805) 330-6672 or go directly to