Casa Pacifica Building New Foundations of Hope
Great news! The Ventura County Community Foundation just awarded $100,000 to support the Capital Campaign efforts of Casa Pacifica. Please consider joining us in support of this vital community organization.
In Fall 2013, they launched a $16.6 million “Building New Foundations of Hope” Capital Campaign. On April 5th, they broke ground on Casa Pacifica’s campus for their two new residential substance abuse treatment cottages to treat adolescents struggling with addiction. Once completed, these facilities will allow them to offer the 24/7 care and attention our community’s afflicted youth need to heal their bodies and regain control of their lives.
Using treatment programs that incorporate key scientific advances and include a range of therapies; recreation, education, peer support and psychiatric services; and family engagement, Casa Pacifica’s new facilities will give youth the necessary resources and treatment to leave a 30-90 day stay with:
- full detoxification
- increased self-awareness
- the ability to apply an individualized plan to prevent future relapses
- strengthened family relationships
- educational support
- connections to a comprehensive array of services and support in the community
With this comprehensive approach, Casa Pacifica is confident they will provide youth struggling with substance abuse the hope and help they need to make lasting, positive changes in their lives – and that of their families and all those who love them.
Why do we need substance abuse treatment programs focused on youth?
The stats on alcohol and drug usage among youth is staggering:
- More than 30 % of Ventura County middle and high school students admitted to having used alcohol or illegal drugs within the past month
- By the time they reach 12th grade, almost 70 % of high school students across the nation have tried alcohol and 50 % have taken an illegal drug
- Approximately 1 in 20 U.S. adolescents needed treatment for substance abuse in 2015