Fund Helps Fire Victims
This is an excerpt from the Camarillo Acorn BRIEFS. Read the full story on the Camarillo Acorn website.
Ventura County nonprofits that were affected by the fires and are assisting those in need can apply for relief funding through the Ventura County Community Foundation’s Sudden and Urgent Need Fund for grants of up to $5,000.
The purpose of the SUN Fund is to avoid the loss of safety-net services provided by nonprofits and to respond quickly to immediate or unexpected needs or special funding opportunities where a small investment will make a big difference.
The new grant program has already funded a power generator for Interface Children and Family Services to operate the 211 community services hotline during power outages.
Other examples of fundable projects include emergency repairs on a building or mechanical systems that failed while providing emergency services, and resources to augment the work of the organization, such as training on post traumatic stress disorder for school guidance counselors supporting children severely impacted by a disaster or traumatic event.
The foundation was established in 1987 and endeavors to build philanthropy in the region for the well-being of all in Ventura County. VCCF invests in the future through scholarships, grant making and collaborative partnerships.
For more information or for organizations wanting to apply for funding, visit, email Breanne Foster at [email protected] or call (805) 988-0196.