Empower Ventura
County nonprofits
with endowment funds

Endowment funds help stabilize operations and allow for long-range financial planning. They also provide for a reliable source of income for the life of an organization.

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Make Ventura County a better place to live

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Make Ventura County a better place to live

Start your endowment fund today!

Group 1127

Supplement annual operating programs beyond current year funding.

Group 1128

Provide initial funding for new programs beyond regular campaign budgets.

Group 1129

Accumulate funds to replace and renew physical facilities.

Group 1130

Help sustain an organization in case of emergency or economic crisis.

Group 1131

Promote an agency across a wider range of constituents and supporters.

Group 1134

Provide a vehicle for planned or deferred gifts from donors.

Grantmaking FAQ’s

  • A name for your fund.
  • A purpose for your fund, such as what programs you wish to support.
  • Approval of your board and the minutes that reflect that approval.
  • A copy of your articles of incorporation.

Driven by a desire for change

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Driven by a desire for change

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Driven by a desire for change

VCCF nonprofit grant opportunities

The Ventura County Arts and Culture Investment Fund Grant Program marks a significant investment by the County of Ventura to support the meaningful work of our local community’s arts and culture nonprofit organizations and independent artists and arts projects within Ventura County.

Arts and culture nonprofit organizations are entities that operate with a primary mission to promote, preserve, and enrich the cultural and artistic aspects of society.  These organizations are committed to advancing creativity, fostering cultural understanding, and contributing to the overall well-being of the residents of Ventura County, while offering a platform for artistic expression, innovation, and promoting a deeper understanding of our shared world.

The Ventura County Arts and Culture Investment Fund (VCACIF) Grant Program has been established to provide funding to local arts and culture nonprofit organizations and to support independent artists and arts projects in Ventura County.  This VCACIF Grant Program will emphasize the arts and culture organizations and projects serving communities most impacted by the pandemic, identified by the bottom two tiers of the Vulnerability Index provided in the Economic Development Collaborative’s 2021 Report: Profile of COVID-19 Community, Business, and Worker Impacts.  Organizations that do not directly serve these areas but can demonstrate service to other communities in need in the County (e.g., arts programs for older adults, people with disabilities, schools in lower income areas, etc.) will also be eligible for this VCACIF Grant Program.

Please click the link to review the VCACIF Grant Protocol.  To review the VCACIF Grant Protocol in Spanish, after clicking the link, please go to the upper right-hand corner and select Spanish in the drop-down menu.

Application is now closed.

Grant process

Guide for grantseekers

Each year, the Ventura County Community Foundation awards grants for all areas of community need. Grant dollars are derived from designated funds, donor advised funds, endowment funds, field-of-interest funds, special funds, and greatest needs funds.
VCCF accepts proposals only in response to an open Requests for Proposals (RFP).

Competitive grant cycles

Certain funds accept applications, with Requests for Proposals publicly announced, outlining focus areas sought. VCCF seeks projects where modest grants can yield significant results, prioritizing innovative problem-solving and collaboration among charitable organizations.

Fiscal sponsorship policy

Organizations that do not have 501(c)(3) status as designated by the Internal Revenue Service may apply for grants using a fiscal sponsor.

Learn More

Networking program for nonprofit professionals
Coffee & Connections

Coffee & Connections is a wonderful opportunity to meet and connect with fellow nonprofit professionals and learn together through shared experiences and discussions that focus on solutions, while building ongoing community partnerships.

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Library for nonprofit research and development

Contact us to access the VCCF Library for Nonprofit Research and Development:

"*" indicates required fields

With your support, Ventura County can become an even better place to live

Contact us today to discuss the difference you can make

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