Líderes con Isabella Create Connections

The heart of the Isabella Project is a dynamic and committed group made up of over 120 community partners from across Ventura County and within Santa Paula. They represent sectors ranging from higher education to childcare to mental healthcare and more. And together they focus on making highest-quality early childhood education available to 100% of 0- to 5-year-olds in Santa Paula.

Motivated by a Grand Vision for Their Community

If the entire steering committee is like a heart, then the Líderes con Isabella are like veins and arteries. As the group’s newest sub-committee, the Líderes connect the Isabella Projects to community. They circulate information, resources, and concern through Santa Paula and their efforts create a multi-directional flow that ensures the Isabella Project is always centering the needs and wants of community in everything we do.

Fernando, a member of the Líderes con Isabella, knows “community members uniquely know the needs and aspirations of its members.” And in a city where 80% of the residents are Latino, Coco, a member of Líderes con Isabella, says she “sees life through a global approach and has a passion to see Santa Paula students gain the knowledge and skills to compete within our society and make it into higher education.” It’s that kind of vision and hope that motivates the Líderes to be a connector with and for the Santa Paula community.

Líderes con Isabella Take Tangible Action

To serve the community, the Líderes must be informed advocates. The Líderes are comprised primarily of parents, teaching assistants, current and retired educators.  As Dr. Gabino Aguirre, who helps lead the work of the Líderes, notes, “The Isabella Project is a gift to the community, and Líderes play a vital role in describing exactly what that gift should look, sound, and feel like.” They do this through specific activities such as: 

  • Meeting with Santa Paula School district officials to talk about the importance of preschool programs  
  • Leading tours for parents of local preschools while explaining the benefit of early childhood education and participation in childcare    
  • Participating in presentations at organizations that focus on and serve the Spanish-speaking community 

They Are Connected, Active, Passionate, and Compassionate

Currently, there are about 12 to 15 very active members in the group, but they are always looking to invite new advocates and messengers. Alicia, a member of Líderes con Isabella, says an ideal member is someone who:

  • Feels connected to the community of Santa Paula and hopes for the holistic well-being of the families that live here.
  • Actively participates in discussions and contributes ideas that fulfill the mission of providing high-quality multilingual education to young children ages 0 to 5.
  • Feels passionate about his or her profession and can share their experiences to contribute to the advancement of the Isabella Project. 
  • Possess a compassionate heart for the community’s daily struggles: lack of adequate housing, employment opportunities, food insecurity, affordable health and mental health services, language access, childcare, and most recently the fear of their immigration status. 

You Can Partner with the Líderes con Isabella

If these qualities describe you or someone you know from the Santa Paula community, reach out to Dr. Gabino Aguirre at [email protected]. Also, if you are a member of the Isabella Project and are thinking deeply about the programs, polices, and projects to serve community children and families, and would like to collaborate with the Líderes con Isabella, then you should reach out as well. The group meets on the second Saturday of each month to accommodate work schedules. Meetings are conducted in Spanish, but all who are interested are invited to attend.