Local non-profit helping teens and young adults overcome substance use and mental health challenges Celebrates 1-year Anniversary, in Honor of Nate Rhoades

Nate’s Place, A Wellness and Recovery Center reaches milestone and invites the community to join in the festivities

On February 28, Nate’s Place, A Wellness and Recovery Center for teens and young adults will be celebrating one year of incredible success and invites the community to attend the celebration.
Just over a year ago, Nate’s Place co-founders identified a tremendous gap in services for teens and young adults in Ventura County who are at risk of or struggling with mental health and/or substance use issues. Nate’s Place is now filling that need with the help of the community.

The center’s programing is unique and is based on a proven formula that works: 1:1 Peer Support Recovery Coaching; 20+ Healthy Recreational Activities; Group Counseling, Education and Support; Community Prevention Informational Talks; Cost-Free Services and Free Transportation to participants in need.

“We are grateful for the immense support we have received from the community since our inception last year which has resulted in over 110 participants being helped — many of which have successfully turned their lives around,” states Heidi Allison, Co-Founder of Nate’s Place. Nate’s Place was started in honor of the son of the co-founders, Heidi Allison and Larry Rhoades, whose son, Nate Rhoades, passed away due to a traffic accident. He had recovered from substance use years before and helped others. Nate’s Place is the “recovery recipe” that worked for Nate and is working for many other teens and young adults.

Event Details
When: Wednesday, February 28 at 6:00pm
Where: Nate’s Place, a Wellness and Recovery Center
3840 W. Channel Islands Blvd, Oxnard, CA 93035

  • Tour and explore Nate’s Place and meet our dedicated team while learning about our services.
  • Indulge in delicious, Mexican cuisine from local Cancun Restaurant.
  • Hear inspiring insights, recovery stories, and testimonials from our Peer Support Recovery Coaches
    and other speakers.
  • Engage in a Silent Auction; RSVP guests are automatically entered into a drawing to win a fabulous
    gift basket from Trader Joe’s (must be present to win).
  • Listen to acoustic guitar music by two of our local guitar players.

RSVP: http://tinyurl.com/NatesPlace1year

About Nate’s Place, A Wellness and Recovery Center
Nate’s Place is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with a mission to deliver evidence-based, targeted programming to support teens and young adults (ages 13-25) who are at risk of substance use and misuse, and/or mental health challenges, and are striving to attain and maintain sobriety and stable mental health, in a safe, healthy manner. For more info or to get involved go to https://natesplacewellnesscenter.org