Meet Roshin Mathew, VCCF’s Director of Strategic Initiatives

We are thrilled to introduce the Isabella Project Steering Committee to Roshin Mathew, Director of Strategic Initiatives at VCCF. As one of the foundation’s newest team members, she will be working closely with the committee and joining in our mission to ensure all children in Santa Paula—and beyond—have access to high-quality, full-time early care and education that meets families’ needs! We invite you to learn more about her by reading the interview below.
Please tell us a little bit about yourself and how you came to join the Isabella Project team.
My guiding belief is that all people should have equal and equitable access to resources and opportunity, and my personal values are curiosity, creativity, compassion, authenticity, balance, health, and intention. I like how my values resonate and complement the values of VCCF, which are trust, transparency, compassion, equity, tenacity, excellence, and authentic connection. With that alignment, I knew I would enjoy working at VCCF, so when Vanessa asked me to consider applying to the Director of Strategic Initiatives role at the foundation, I jumped toward the opportunity.
I especially love that the Isabella Project is one of the key initiatives of VCCF because I feel education is one of the great forces to change a person, a family, and a community’s outcomes. I personally know the power education has had on my and my family’s trajectory.
What does highest-quality early childhood education mean to you?
High-quality early education and care is a nurturing environment that supports a child’s physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development. It prepares children for school and helps them develop skills that will last a lifetime. It gives parents peace of mind and society a foundation to build a future on. Honestly, it is one of the most hopeful investments we can make.
What sort of talents do you hope to bring to the table in your work with the Isabella Project?
Gathering people in community means a lot to me because my family is large and full of aunts, uncles, and cousins. As I was growing up, we always had at least one other family member living with my nuclear family, and as one of the older cousins, I’ve always been a bit of a Pied Piper, cruise director, and kick ball team captain, all rolled up into one. Which is a long way of saying I am comfortable in big, complex, and joyful groups.
On a professional level, I have dedicated over 15 years of my career to strategic communications and advocacy. Whether working in philanthropy, labor, higher education, or community organizing, I love thinking of new, bold ideas and rallying people around them. Outside of work, I am a potter, long distance runner, dinner party host, and culture vulture. Which means at any point in time, I am covered in clay, sweat, flour, or glitter. I am also very passionate about public radio, public libraries, and standup comedy. In my past lives, I’ve worked in all those fields.
What do you envision as the future for highest-quality ECE in Santa Paula?
At its most fundamental level, I see fulfillment of the mission, which is 100 percent access to early high-quality childcare and education for every child in Santa Paula. Going beyond that, part of the vision is building on the success of the Isabella Project in the Santa Paula community. Santa Paula will have the success that was forged from the relationships and the learnings that took place in Santa Paula to then snowball for other initiatives and ventures that the community may take on. Community members will have more knowledge and resources built up to face the challenges that we can’t predict but know are around the corner. What we learn and do now will propel future endeavors.
In that same vein, I see the success of the Isabella Project being both an inspiration and a tactical guidebook for other communities in Ventura County. All these communities can achieve what Santa Paula is going to achieve. They will have the benefit of learning from our mistakes and wins. And it doesn’t end with our county.
I believe the rest of the state and the rest of the country, and quite possibly the rest of the world, could learn from Santa Paula. Because where there are children and working families, there will always be a need for high-quality care and education for our young.
If committee members would like to connect with you, what is the best way to reach you?
I am in so many meetings and gatherings around Ventura County; if you see me, please come up to me and introduce yourself and let’s chat in person. Of course, email is also very effective and probably the fastest way to reach me. Drop me a line at [email protected].