REO Speedwagon To Donate Proceeds From Thousand Oaks Performances to Borderline Bar & Grill, Woolsey Fire Victims

Read the full story below or on the All Access Music Group website

In response to the tragic loss of life and injures sustained at the mass-shooting at the BORDERLINE BAR & GRILL in THOUSAND OAKS, CA, and the loss of life and property from the WOOLSEY and HILL FIRES in the same area, REO SPEEDWAGON will donate proceeds from the band’s upcoming performances at the KAVLI THEATRE at THOUSAND OAKS CIVIC ARTS PLAZA to benefit those affected. The concerts are scheduled for SATURDAY, JANUARY 12th and SUNDAY, JANUARY 13th and will benefit the VENTURA COUNTY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION’s CONEJO VALLEY VICTIMS FUND.

The band also announced that the concerts will include performances by special musical guests with ties to the area, including RICHARD MARX, FIVE FOR FIGHTING’s JOHN ONDRASIK and EDDIE MONEY, with more guests announced prior to the shows.

THOUSAND OAKS Mayor ANDREW P. FOX said, “As THOUSAND OAKS grieves, our spirits are lifted by the kindness and generosity of so many. We are incredibly thankful for REO SPEEDWAGON’s willingness to contribute the proceeds from their two-night engagement at the KAVLI THEATRE to the CONEJO VALLEY VICTIMS FUND.”

REO SPEEDWAGON’s KEVIN CRONIN added, “My family has sat in the BORDERLINE BAR, and watched my sons’ band perform on that stage. Our hearts ache for the families who are suffering the unthinkable loss of a child or friend due to this senseless, horrific mass shooting. Then, just as the grieving process was beginning, the WOOLSEY FIRE struck, causing widespread destruction and evacuation of the THOUSAND OAKS area. The people of our neighborhood are strong, yet these are challenging times. REO hopes that the funds that are collectively raised can offer at least a bit of relief.”

CRONIN and bandmates BRYAN HITT and DAVE AMATO are longtime area residents. CRONIN has resided in the area for more than 20 years with his family; his sons SHANE and JOSH play in local band SIR, PLEASE and will open the shows.

Tickets for the benefit concerts are on sale now here.