Thousand Oaks Shooting: Hundreds Gather at Vigils to Mourn Victims
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THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. – Hundreds of mourners gathered outside a California theater and at other venues Thursday night to pay tribute to the 12 people killed in a mass shooting at a Thousand Oaks bar, KTLA reported.
People gathered outside the Fred Kavil Theatre for the Performing Arts in Thousand Oaks and participated in a candlelight vigil to remember the victims killed at the Borderline Bar & Grill, the television station reported.
Some people sang, while others simply held hands, KTLA reported.
“Tonight, we are a hurting city,” Thousand Oaks Mayor Andy Fox told the crowd. “But we are a community of love, of compassion and of unity. We’re also a community of hope.”
The crowd stood and applauded as Ventura County Sheriff Geoff Dean took the stage, KTLA reported.
“There’s nothing really that I can say here that will fill the hole that’s in our hearts,” Dean told the crowd.
Despite evacuations in Ventura County from two fast-moving fires, residents gathered at three memorial events, including a rosary at California Lutheran University, a memorial at Moorpark College and a vigil outside the theater, the Los Angeles Times reported.
The Ventura County Community Foundation, a local nonprofit organization, has been working with Thousand Oaks officials to collect donations, KTLA reported. Details are on the foundation’s website, where the organization wrote: “Take care of each other.”