Update From Ventura County Community Foundation Regarding Distribution of Funds
Read the full story below or on the Conejo Valley Guide website.
Ventura County Community Foundation (VCCF) President Vanessa Bechtel has provided an update regarding distribution of funds thus far in connection with the recent tragedies in our area.
Conejo Valley Victims Fund
The first two rounds of support to the victims and survivors of the Borderline shooting have been distributed. VCCF awarded an immediate $70,000 in $500 pre-paid Visa cash cards so immediate basic needs could be met through the Thousand Oaks Victims Assistance Center.
VCCF also awarded a total of $240,000 to help cover memorial costs to families who lost loved ones. Chief of Police Tim Hagel personally delivered the funds to the families during this devastating time.
Hill Fire and Woolsey Fire Sudden & Urgent Needs Effort
Over $500,000 in funds have been distributed thus far in connection with relief from the recent wildfires in the area:
- $150,000 to the Pacific Coast and Ventura County Chapter of the American Red Cross for an Emergency Response Vehicle
- $115,000 to the Red Cross for Ventura County Recovery Coordination
- $146,250 to the Red Cross for General Operations Support
- $5,000 to 805 Help to support their immediate response to bring online access to our community during the fires
- $15,000 to Senior Concerns for adult daycare, meals and support for our community’s seniors who were evacuated and need care
- $5,350 to Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association to help cover costs associated with evacuations of those on hospice
- $7,000 to the Camarillo Boys & Girls Club to cover costs associated with emergency childcare needs due to school closures
- $9,500 to the Southeast Ventura YMCA to cover costs associated with emergency childcare needs due to school closures
- $1,827 to Mark Watring Stables for the evacuation of 43 horses, hauling of feed and water supplies and overtime
- $25,000 to the Economic Development Collaborative for General Operations Support as they serve business owners impacted by the fires
- $21,500 to Cal State Channel Islands Foundation to feed and house students evacuated by the fires
- $500 to Cal Lutheran University’s Center for Nonprofit Leadership to sponsor a free webinar entitled “Fundraising in Response to a Community Crisis” (contact [email protected] for details)
VCCF is working to award funds as quickly as possible to nonprofit organizations serving those in need during this challenging time. The organization is particularly interested in supporting organizations who are assisting in housing and basic needs, animal welfare, business and resiliency support for our community and medical needs of individuals as a result of the fires. The application is very short and should take no more than 15 minutes to submit at www.vccf.org.
805 Undocufund
This is a collective effort to ensure undocumented individuals and families impacted by natural disasters have the support they need. Please join us in helping support our neighbors during this challenging time at www.vccf.org.
VCCF Scholarship Program
VCCF has launched its 2019 Application for College Scholarships and thanks to local generosity will be awarding $1.147 million in scholarships to local students this year – more than ever before! The deadline for applications is January 30, 2019 at 10 p.m. PST.
How You Can Make A Difference
Applications for Support: Massive wildfires that cause severe displacement make connecting and supporting fire victims challenging. While VCCF has received some organizational applications for support, FEMA has received a modest number of applications for direct fire victim support. Please encourage those impacted by the fires to apply with FEMA as soon as possible and to also open a case with 2-1-1 who can help connect resources to those in need.
Fundraising for the Conejo Valley Victims Fund: VCCF is in the final stages of raising funds to support the families of victims and survivors of the Borderline shooting. We are working with Ken Feinberg, Special Master of the US Government’s September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, who has volunteered to help advise us during this time. Please encourage all you know to donate now and offer support to those impacted by this tragic event at www.vccf.org.
Support Services: Please help spread the word that Kaiser Permanente is offering free support groups in Woodland Hills, Thousand Oaks, and Ventura for the Borderline tragedy and fires. Please contact them directly at (805) 449-3442.