VCCF Disaster Relief Update – Funds Available

Dear Ventura County Community Foundation Family Member,

As we enter week two of this devastating fire, I want to touch base with you with gratitude for your support. The outpouring of contributions in response to this disaster is heartwarming.

One of the funds receiving donations is VCCF’s Sudden and Urgent Needs Fund (SUN Fund), through which nonprofits can apply for grants of up to $5,000. The SUN Fund was created to help avoid the loss of critical safety net services provided by nonprofits. We are able to provide a quick funding response—which separates this grant from other funding sources. You can find more information about the SUN Fund in the most recent news release or on our website. Please help spread the word about the availability of these funds, as we’re certain too many nonprofits have been impacted.

On behalf of the entire VCCF Board and my team, thank you again for your generous donations and quick response to this crisis. We can all take pride in being part of this community’s caring response to friends in need. I hope you and your family stays safe and comfortable. I will keep in touch as we continue to respond to this tragedy.

Thank you again for your kindness and generosity.


