
Vanessa Blog PostDear VCCF Family,

It is Friday, December 9th and I just gave the “go ahead” to launch our new website. How exciting!!

By landing on this page, you have found our Blog, which is designed just for you. We want to make sure to share the good news of the Foundation, made possible by our generous donors, and also provide a forum for timely updates and the sharing of important information.

For example, did you know that VCCF donors have generously contributed over $600 thousand to local nonprofits this past week alone?

Or, that over 500 students have already applied for a scholarship this season and we just opened the application period? By the way, please make sure to encourage local students to apply by visiting www.vccf.org.

A very special thank you to Bonnie Gilles and Jim Rivera for making this site possible. We could never have done this without your generous donations!

Looking forward to writing again soon,