WEV Responding to the Disaster

The Women’s Economic Ventures is one of many organizations working hard in response to the Thomas Fire and following mudslides. Following is a message sent to us by Program Officer Evelina Ochoa: 

…We wanted to summarize our efforts in hopes of keeping the flow of information and communication steady, and working together to leverage resources as much as possible:

  • WEV’s ‘Quick Response Loans’ – If a business has been impacted by reduced sales or lost inventory due to the Thomas Fire or Mudslides, and could benefit from a cash flow boost of up to $10,000, contact WEV’s Loan Officer, Jaime Marks, at [email protected] or (805) 232-3087 to discuss the process. Our goal is to have a decision within 24 hours of a completed application.
  • Disaster Recovery Webpages in English and Spanish including information about SBA’s Disaster Recovery loans. I’ve also Cced several SBA Public Information Officers that may assist in answering questions for small businesses.
  • Information Packets in English and Spanish
  • Community Building Event on 2/5 in Santa Barbara, ‘805 Strong: An Evening Honoring Entrepreneurs’ – FREE and open to anyone, includes business & resource expo and ceremony honoring local entrepreneurs

Please distribute this information widely, and send us information about your efforts or ways we may work together for the community. If you’d like a WEV representative to be on a business panel or attend an event you’re holding, please let us know.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your hard work and continued support of the community!

Many thanks,
