CalNonprofits Compensation & Benefits Survey
Here’s How You Can Help Bring Greater Pay Equity to the Nonprofit Sector: 2022 Compensation & Benefits Survey
At the heart of nonprofit work are the people – the staff and volunteers who work tirelessly to improve their communities. Making sure they are compensated fairly and competitively is crucial to the strength of our sector, the 4th largest employer in the state.
That’s why we think it’s so important to participate in this survey! Each year it results in a highly valuable tool for nonprofits throughout the state, and the more nonprofits that participate, the more useful the final report can be – for all of us!
Participate by Region:
- Fair Pay for Northern California Nonprofits: The 2022 Compensation & Benefits Survey
Take the NorCal Survey - Fair Pay for Southern California Nonprofits: The 2022 Compensation & Benefits Survey
Take the SoCal Survey
The deadline to participate is Feb. 18, 2022
Participating nonprofits receive a significant discount on the final report, produced by Nonprofit Compensation Associates, which is due out April 15, 2022 (Northern California) and April 30, 2022 (Southern California).
What’s new; what you’ll learn:
New updates this year include:
- New jobs in Education, Operations and Social Services/Behavioral Health areas
- New group of questions about DEI practices, including DEI Director job
- Revised Economic Environment/COVID-19 Pandemic section
Overall, the report covers:
- Current, local compensation data on more than 200 jobs found in nonprofit organizations
- Base pay levels and bonus/incentive pay for each job with details by annual operating budget, location within the survey region, number of employees and primary field of service
- Employee benefits in detail: paid time off, insurance, retirement
The survey will also help your organization find out how the local nonprofit community is responding to current economic conditions. The survey can help nonprofit managers answer such pertinent questions as:
- For which jobs are nonprofits having difficulty hiring and retaining employees?
- Are nonprofit employees working remotely, in person, or a combination of both?
- Are organizations planning to increase or decrease their workforces in 2022?
Please note: CalNonprofits does not produce the survey or the report, though we encourage all nonprofits of all types and sizes to participate. If you have questions please send an email to Rita Haronian at [email protected] or call (510) 645-1005.