If you are like many professional advisors, you may have hesitated to raise the subject of philanthropy with your clients. Research shows, however, that people are eager to learn more about charitable giving. According to an article in the Chronicle of Philanthropy, most people report they would like their advisors to be more knowledgeable about planned giving, and more forthcoming with their suggestions about types of gifts to make. In other words, if you make an effort to become better informed about the pivotal role philanthropy can play in estate planning, your clients will thank you.
The Ventura County Community Foundation is a single, trusted vehicle you and your clients may use to address issues that matter to them, while gaining maximum tax benefit under state and federal law. We offer a variety of giving options — including the ability to set up a Donor Advised Fund in your client’s name. Significant giving opportunities often arise when clients are making major business, personal and financial decisions. Our staff can work with you and your client to recommend the best charitable solution. Consider the following scenarios:
Year-end tax planning
Your client needs to offset capital gains or harvest capital losses and wants to give back to the community, and has limited time to decide on the most deserving charities.
Preserving an estate
Estate planning may identify significant taxes going to the IRS, and your client wants to direct dollars to charitable causes..
Retiring in comfort
Your client is interested in stable income during his or her lifetime and has always been charitable.
Establishing a private foundation
Your client is thinking about establishing a private foundation and is looking for back-office support or a more cost-efficient, simpler way.
Closely held stock
Your client’s net worth includes a closely held company, and it’s important for your client to give back to the community.
Sale or disposition of highly appreciated stock or property
Your client holds appreciated stock or property and wants to use a portion of the gains for charitable giving. However, the identified charities may be too small to accept direct gifts of stock or property. By partnering with your community foundation, you can overcome these challenges seamlessly.
We offer flexible giving solutions, such as donor-advised funds, planned gifts, or life income gifts to help achieve your client’s philanthropic goals. VCCF is equipped to accept various giving vehicles, including closely held and highly appreciated stock, ensuring your client receives the maximum tax benefits.
With our expertise, you can be confident that your client’s charitable goals will be faithfully and effectively pursued, creating meaningful and lasting impact.