California Community Colleges Joins With Stanford to Launch Nation’s First Seminar Focused on Role of Civic Stewards in Workforce Development
This article comes from the March 2018 issue of the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office eUpdate.
As key drivers to fuel regional economies and enable social mobility, California community colleges are essential to the state’s goal of 1 million more skilled workers – and, in turn, regional civic leaders play a key role in ensuring public investments in community college deliver on career education that meets employers’ needs. To strengthen the ability of civic leaders to partner on a strong workforce, the California Community Colleges’ Doing What MATTERS for Jobs and the Economy, California Forward, the California Stewardship Network and the Stanford Educational Leadership Initiative have joined to shape the nation’s first seminar of its kind, entitled ““Civic Stewardship to Strengthen Community Colleges.”
“Stanford hosts the Aspen Presidential Fellowship for Community College Excellence so it was a natural for us to approach them to sponsor this synergistic and complementary program, ” states Van Ton-Quinlivan, Executive Vice Chancellor of Workforce & Digital Futures.
This seminar, held March 29-30 at Stanford University, will enable regional civic stewards to understand the processes by which community colleges operate and the ways that long-term partnerships between civic stewards and community colleges can be built, strengthened, and based on sound workforce data, mutual trust, and effective communication. By design, three-fourths of workshop participants are identified prominent civic stewards in their regions and one-fourth are career education community college deans.
Selected Regional Civic Stewards include:
- Ahn Fielding, State Action Support Liaison, California Stewardship Network
- Ann Marie Allen, Sr Director, Growing Inland Achievement
- Bill Allen, President & CEO, Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation
- Bill Mueller, Chief Executive, Valley Vision
- Bruce Stenslie, President & CEO, Economic Development Collaborative Ventura County
- Claire Chiara, Coro Fellow, Bay Area Council
- Deborah Nankivell, CEO, Fresno Business Council
- David Palter, Sr Associate, Higher Education and Workforce Development, Silicon Valley Leadership Group
- Hayley Mears, Program Manager, Monterey Bay Economic Partnership
- Heidi Hill Drum, CEO, Tahoe Prosperity Center
- Jacob Peterson, Director, Junior Leadership Development Program
- Jason Cordova, Director of Education and Workforce Development, Inland Empire Economic Partnership
- Joel Morgan, Regional Director of Workforce & Career Development, Goodwill of Southern California
- Kate Roberts, President, Monterey Bay Economic Partnership
- Kathleen Moxon, Director, Redwood Coast Rural Action
- Kathy Goodacre, Executive Director, CTE Foundation Sonoma County
- Katie Greaves, Director, Sonoma County Workforce Development Board
- Kristin York, VP, Sierra Business Council
- Lauren Fernandez, Learning Development Consultant, SAP
- Linda Bidrossian, Sr VP Policy, Bay Area Council
- Lisa Schaffner, President, John Jordan Foundation
- Loreli Cappel, Sr Project Director, Economic Vitality Corporation
- Megan Joseph, Executive Director, Rise Together Bay Area
- Michael Ward, Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer/ Strong Workforce Project Facilitator, HighBar Global/ Lake Tahoe Community College/ Tahoe Prosperity Center
- Nikia Clarke, VP, San Diego Regional EDC
- Nikki Henry, Director, Central Valley Community Foundation
- Paola Santana, Sr Director, Center for Education Excellence and Talent Development
- Paul Granillo, CEO & President, Inland Empire Economic Partnership
- Tammy Cronin, Project Leader and Portfolio Manager, Valley Vision
- Vanessa Bechtel, President & CEO, Ventura County Community Foundation
Selected Career Education Leaders include:
- Alexandria Wright, Director of Economic & Workforce Development, Ventura County Community College District
- Daren Otten, Dean of Applied Academics and Workforce Development, Yuba College
- Doug Marriot, Dean of Adult/Community Education and Workforce Development, Los Angeles Valley College
- Elizabeth Pratt, CTE Dean and Workforce Development, College of Marin
- Eva Denise Jennings, CTE Dean and Workforce Development, CCCAOE President Elect, College of Alameda
- Jeffrey Forrest, VP Economic and Workforce Development, College of the Canyons
- John Jaramillo, Dean of Economic and Workforce Development and Business Science, Saddleback College
- Joyce Johnson, CTE Dean and Workforce Development, Mt. San Jacinto College
- Kim Harrell, Dean of Careers & Technology, Cosumnes River College
- Lena Tran, VP Strategic Partnerships and Workforce Innovation, San Jose City College
- Salvador Vargas, CTE Dean and Workforce Development, San Joaquin Delta College